Monday, January 12, 2009

Order Your Free Islamic Books


Dear visitor,
Feel free to choose any FIVE books from the UPDATED list below. We will “God willing” ship them to you for free. Please send your request to: . USE THE TEMPLATE ON THE BOTTOM TO FILL IN YOUR INFORMATION and COPY AND PASTE IT with the 5 books you want.


1. A brief illustrated guide to understanding Islam. By I. A. Ibrahim
(One of the best ever written books about Islam in English.)

2. The Universality of Islam. NEW By Prof. Abdullah H. Al-Kahtany.
(There is a dire need among the majority of the world’s population for a way of life that can solve their problems and answer their unanswered questions about existence and destiny. With escalating rates of immorality and violence in the world, increasing numbers of people have been searching for a way out. Many have found suicide to be the easiest and probably fastest solution. No wonder our world is wading in a state of chaos. It has tried so many ideologies and applied countless socioeconomic theories, but none have proven to be quite right. That which has been tried has failed, and that which has failed has been tried again . . . and again. Surely the time has come to ask questions if there is another way, an alternative system that could be adopted by the whole world.

Prof. Abdullah Al-Kahtany, proves in this contemporary book that Islamic principles and teachings can provide realistic, fair and objective solutions to the prevention of individual, familial, social and international problems, which are threatening the existence of human communities throughout the world.)

3. The Spirit of Islam. By Muhammad Asad
(Offers a crystal-clear view into Islam by an Austrian Muslim.. a former Jew.)

4. Islam Is Your Birthright. NEW Compiled by Majed S. Al-Rassi
(- Is it necessary to adopt a religion?
- And how to differentiate between a false and a true religion?
Such questions arise in the mind of a Truth-Seeker. The present book addresses these issues.)

5. The Qur'an Translated: Message for Humanity NEW
(Between the two covers of this Book you will find the answers to those questions which touch the very heart of your being: why am I here? Where am I heading? How may I achieve happiness? How can I find inner peace?)

6. Interpretation of the meanings of the Noble Qur’an in the English language with

7. What Everyone Should Know About the Qur’an. By Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Fattah Al-Laithy
(An essential book for everyone wanting to know about the living miracle of Islam i.e. the Noble Qur’an. The work also paves the way for any reader who wishes to study the Qur’an in any degree of depth.)

8. The Amazing Qur’an. By Gary Miller
(Calling the Qur’an amazing is not something done only by Muslims; it has been labeled amazing by non-Muslims as well.)

9. The Qur'an & Modern Science: Compatible or Incompatible? NEW By Dr. Zakir Naik
(Ever since the dawn of human life on this planet, Man has always sought to understand Nature, his own place in the scheme of Creation and the purpose of Life itself. The Qur'an, the main source of the Islamic faith is believed to be a Divine guidance for all human kind; its message is for all times therefore it should be relevant to every age. Does the Qur'an pass this test?
The present book discusses this and offers an objective analysis about the Divine origin of the Qur'an in the light of established scientific discoveries.)

10. Mercy for the Worlds. By Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi
(A brief enlightening book showing the mercy God has given to the world through the
mission of His last Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) related by a renounced author.)

11. Have You Discovered the Truth About Him? New By Dr. Naji Arfaj
(Perhaps you have preconceived, negative notions about Islam and its Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Perhaps you have read or heard about him from unauthentic or biased sources.
So, we invite you to objectively and open-mindedly read this booklet which demonstrates the truth about him (pbuh).)

12. Fallacies & Misconceptions about the Messenger’s Marriages (pbuh).
By Sheikh Muhammad Aly Al-Saboony
(The book enables you to analysis & realize the true facts behind the Prophet’s plural marriages.)

13. Essential Lessons for Every Muslim. By Sheikh Bin Baz
(Covers a wide range of basic information, that explains the fundamental teachings of Islam)

14. A Brief Summary of FIQH Essentials. Produced by Saheeh International
(A guide for new Muslim who needs to gain basic knowledge.)

15. Bearing True Witness. NEW By Dr. Laurence B. Brown
(The author, Dr. Laurence B. Brown, a practicing ophthalmologist and author of several ground-breaking books on Islam, has written this book to assist new reverts in navigating controversial issues of their new, chosen religion of Islam.)

16. Prayers for beginners. By Abdul Basit Quraishi
(This book supplies illustrated information to enable one to perform ablution &
prayer with transliteration of the Opening Chapter (Alfatiha) and some short

17. Woman in Islam. By B. Aisha Lemu & Fatima Heeren
(Two European women scholars express their views on the status of woman in Islam.)

18. Veils of Dignity. NEW By Khadija Watson (Formerly Mary Sue Malvar)
(An informative book addressing the rights of Muslim women in marriage, polygamy & divorce. Included in this book is the personal dynamic testimony on how & why Sue Malvar - a former Western Christian missionary & Professor, holder of Masters Degree in Theology - embraced Islam.)

19. A view through hijab (veil). By Khaula Nakata (Japan) & Ruth Anderson (USA)
(Narration of ladies who voluntarily adopted hijab at a matured age having grown
up in a different culture.)

20. Polygamy in Islam. By Bilal Philips & Jameelah Jones
(This book contains basic guidelines for anyone interested in understanding the rights and obligations of males and females in Islamic plural marriages.)

21. The Ideal Muslim Husband. NEW By B. Aisha Lemu
(The Author, a well-known British lady writer tries to make the reader aware of the Islamic standard for an ideal husband and to encourage the husband to reach that standard as much as he wishes his wife to reach it as an ideal Muslim wife.)

22. The Ideal Muslim Wife. NEW By B. Aisha Lemu
(The Author, a well-known British lady writer tries to make reader aware of the Islamic standard for an ideal wife and to encourage the wife to reach that standard as much as she wishes her husband to reach it as an ideal Muslim husband.)

23. Women's Ideal Liberation: NEW By Rukaiyah Hill
(The Author, an American lady writer, tries to point out to women that there exists a
way of life that preserves, protects, comforts, dignifies and liberates them and their
male counterpart from snares of man-made ideologies.)

24. Khadijah bint Khuwaylid: By Dr. Daud Abdullah
(A brief biography of the first woman to embrace Islam)

25. Aisha bint Abi Bakr: Dr. Daud Abdullah
(A brief biography of one of the greatest Muslim lady scholar.)

26. A Day in the life of a Muslim Child: NEW Compiled by Abdul Malik Mujahid
(A very interesting and illustrated book that deals with the ideal daily program in the life of a Muslim child.)

27. The Road to Happiness. Compiled by F. William Hamerman
(The goal of this book is to examine what leads to happiness, which so many people
seem to be searching for.)

28. The Best Way to Live and Die. By Donald W. Flood
(Biography of an American Truth-seeker who found his quest.)

29. It feels like somebody lied to me. NEW By Yahya George Maxwell
(A bewildered Western Truth-Seeker relates his spiritual journey from Christianity to Buddhism until he found the Truth in Islam.)

30. The search for truth. Compiled by: Dr. Saleh As-Saleh
(A call for people to search for their salvation by examining an example of a long
search by a man called Salman.)

31. Why I embraced Islam. By Maryam Jameelah
(A fascinating account of how the author, an American female, discovered the beauty of
Islam through the Qur'an and the life of the Prophet (pbuh).)

32. Illimitable Determination. NEW By Iman A. Alaseery
(Accounts of bewildered men & women who finally found happiness through

33. My Great Love for Jesus (pbuh) led me to Islam. By Simon Alfredo Caraballo
(A fascinating book presenting facts about the beloved Prophet Jesus (pbuh) that will
eventually lead to Islam.)

34. Dr. Jeremiah's Spiritual Journey. NEW
(Facing a major problem with Christian thought, Dr. Jeremiah did not really fit anywhere, it was rough for him to know what to believe in. So he started searching and through reading the Holy Qur'an and about Islam and the true stories of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), he discovered that the Holy Qur'an not only confirmed things he was already thinking, but completed thoughts he was only vaguely aware of. Coming from a background of formal studies in religious issues, Dr. Jeremiah found his way and embraced Islam.)

35. The Truth about the Original Sin. By Prof. Abdullah H. Al-Kahtany
(The book discusses objectively the concept of the Original Sin in Christianity.)

36. Scriptures of Christianity & Islam: A Basic Comparison. NEW By G. Miller
(Discussing the scriptures of Islam & Christianity, Gary Miller, a Canadian Muslim indicates that a Muslim believes in the religion of Jesus but sees mainline Christianity as a religion constructed about Jesus. The majority of Christians deify Jesus while Muslims say that he was a great prophet & messenger of Allah.)

37. The Relationship between Muslims and Non-Muslims. By Dr. Saeed Ismaeel
(Read to get a clear and broader understanding of the Islamic law concerning the relationship between Muslims and Non-Muslims.)

38. Controversial Questions about Islam & Comments. By Dr. Saeed Ismaeel
(In this well-informed & an eye-opener book, the author, based on his years of dialogue with non-Muslims, addresses frequently-asked questions about Islam.)

39. Laxity, Moderation & Extremism. By B. Aisha Lemu
(In this informative book; B. Aisha Lemu a well-known British lady writer, discusses frankly three contemporary issues i.e. Laxity, Moderation & Extremism. She proves – with evidences- that Islam came to propagate moderation and to denounce both laxity & extremism.)

40. Une Détermination Sans Limites. NEW (IN FRENCH)
(Récits de femmes et d'hommes qui ont trouvé le salut et le bonheur par la Guidée d'Allah.)

41. Ang Maikling Paglalarawan Ng Pamamatnubay Tungo Sa Pag-unawa Sa Islam. NEW
(Isa sa pinaka-nangungunang aklat tungkol sa Islam na isinalin sa Tagalog.)

42. كتبهــا الشيخ محمد محمود الشردوب . من ثمــار الدعــوة
(قصص عالمية و اقعية لرجال و نساء كانوا حيارى و تائهين ثم و جدوا السعادة في الإسلام)

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above is from

India’s Muslims in Crisis

“The disparities between Muslims, which make up 13.4% of the population, and India's Hindu population, which hovers around 80%, are striking. There are exceptions, of course, but generally speaking Muslim Indians have shorter life spans, worse health, lower literacy levels, and lower-paying jobs.” – Yahoo News, Aryn Baker

Assalam wa’laikum wa rahmatullah brothers and sisters,

I would like to remind myself before reminding others. We all heard about the recent incidents that happened in India where about 200 innocent people were killed. Of course this is all over the news and is being called the Indian 9/11 with the blame always edging towards Muslims even though we denounce this type of action. I was reading an article for which I have provided the link below called “Behind the Mumbai Massacre: Indian Muslims in crisis”. This article shows a somewhat unbiased view of the Hindu/Muslim relationship in India and it brought out some good points. Muslims in India are badly oppressed by the Hindu majority and oppressed by “us” as well because we forget about the struggles they face and we forget to remember them in our prayers.

Just search Gujarat massacre or oppressed Muslims in youtube and you will find the gruesome stories of Muslims being murdered by them. Over 2000 of our brothers and sisters were killed in Gujarat in 2002. You can find a video on youtube about one of the Hindu Nationalist talking about his success in ripping out a baby out of a pregnant woman with his hands and killing them both, then stating, “We are showing Muslims what we are capable of”. Think that’s bad, there is tons of stories like this, some of which we cannot even conceive. I am sure the media did an excellent job in exposing all this.

What about the destruction of Babri Masjid, where over 150,000 Hindu nationalists destroyed the Masjid and killed, stoned, burned several of our brothers and sisters once again. Just try and watch some of these videos or read some of these stories and I guarantee you, you wont be able to complete it. Imagine being in these massacres and seeing your family getting chopped up or burned just because you worship One God.

What did we do when these things happened? Just sat at home and watched Bollywood and indirectly supported the oppressors? What did the so called Muslim actors “heroes” do? With such status they could have at least made public statements against this type of behavior. But no we need to assimilate with their culture, wearing their clothes, listening to their music, watching their movies, conducting similar weddings and supporting their industry etc.

Yet at the same time, this industry mocks and humiliates the Muslims in their movies. Do you think they would ever accept and at the same time “assimilate” (just like we did) to our ways of living? I remember the treatment some Muslim sisters received from flight attendants of Air India just because of wearing a hijab. I was informed that Air India does not even provide Halal food, whereas all Muslim airlines provide Hindu “veggie” meals. And keep in mind the population of Muslims in India is the 2nd or 3rd largest in the world.

What are we doing brothers/sisters? Why are we adapting to this culture when their hatred and mockery towards us is crystal clear? What happened to our Islamic values? Why do we mock and look down at brothers/sisters who have chosen Islam as their Deen and adapt the way of kufr?

Don’t get me wrong, this is not to spread hate against any group as Islam condemns any violence against the innocent. It is also not to insult any brothers/sisters; rather it is to remind my brothers/sisters to come back to the Qur’an and Sunnah and to enter into Islam perfectly and completely. It is a reminder to live up to our claims of being Muslims.

Brothers and sisters we are on the Deen of Haqq (Religion of Truth), we are commanded to enjoin good and forbid evil. Allah has mentioned in the Qur’an that He has perfected our religion and has chosen Islam to be our religion. So let’s practice our religion with certainty and let’s not mix it up with garbage.

Remember the oppressed in your duas.

May Allah purify our hearts from hypocrisy. Ameen!

And remember Allâh's Favour upon you and His Covenant with which He bound you when you said: "We hear and we obey." And fear Allâh. Verily, Allâh is All­ Knower of the secrets of your breasts. (5: 7)

O you who believe! Enter perfectly in Islâm (by obeying all the rules and regulations of the Islâmic religion) and follow not the footsteps of Shaitân (Satan). Verily! He is to you a plain enemy. (2: 208)

And of mankind, there are some (hypocrites) who say: "We believe in Allâh and the Last Day" while in fact they believe not. 9. They (think to) deceive Allâh and those who believe, while they only deceive themselves, and perceive (it) not! (2 : 8, 9)

And when it is said to them (hypocrites): "Believe as the people (followers of Muhammad Peace be upon him , Al-Ansâr and Al-Muhajirûn) have believed," they say: "Shall we believe as the fools have believed?" Verily, they are the fools, but they know not. 14. And when they meet those who believe, they say: "We believe," but when they are alone with their Shayâtin (devils - polytheists, hypocrites, etc.), they say: "Truly, we are with you; verily, we were but mocking." 15. Allâh mocks at them and gives them increase in their wrong-doings to wander blindly. (2: 13, 14, 15)

Beautified is the life of this world for those who adapted the way of disbelief, and they mock at those who believe. But those who obey Allâh's Orders and keep away from what He has forbidden, will be above them on the Day of Resurrection. And Allâh gives (of His Bounty, Blessings, Favours, Honours, etc. on the Day of Resurrection) to whom He wills without limit. (2: 212)

Fares Elahi

Link to the article:;_ylt=Ah026nDcdiRjxZswI_9OeRn9xg8F

Hide Your Deeds!

I would like to remind myself, before I remind others. These are lessons which may be beneficial for others, so I wish to share.

A few months back I was taking the Bus home, returning from the Masjid and I happened to see an elderly brother in the bus (MashaAllah wearing a Kufi, beard and Sunnah). We both gave Salam to each other and started a brief conversation, however within a minute into the conversation I got very confused and baffled by certain things stated by the brother (May Allah have mercy on him and us and purify our akhlaaq (Character)).

After we both gave each other Salam and started to converse, suddenly in a moment of silence the brother said,

“O by the way, I am a Hafez”. My face was in total shock, my mind confused.

I said “MashaAllah” (Of course outwardly). Inwardly I said in my mind “Whoa, is this guy for real?” Then the brother added “I am also an Alim (Knowledgeable Islamic Scholar)”. Again, I said “MashaAllah” in a very confused pitch. Inwardly I was like WOW, why did this brother just tell me this? Was it really necessary? Could a scholar really call himself a scholar just like that? Let alone a Hafez stating his credentials for people to know?

I happened to recall this incident once again at a recent lecture by Shaikh AbdulBary Yahya (A graduate from University of Madinah) regarding three I’s: Islam (Submission), Iman (Belief) & Ihsan (Worshipping Allah as if you can see Him and knowing that He can see you at all times).

It is from the very famous and authentic Hadith of Jibreel (AS) three main categories were laid out:
1. Muslim (Someone who submits to the 5 pillars of Islam)
2. Mu’min (A believer of the 6 pillars of Iman)
3. Muhsin (A believer who worships Allah as if he can see Him, affirms and knows that He is being watched at all times).

I will specifically elaborate about the category of the one who is a Muhsin. When one is a Muhsin, one is obviously a Muslim and a Mu’min, as a Muhsin is the highest level of the three. In order to be a Muhsin you must be a Muslim first.

Shaikh AbdulBary Yahya mentioned that a Muhsin is one who is not affected by what others say; whether it is a good comment or criticism, because they know in the end they did a certain act only for the sake of Allah. He also mentioned that a true Muhsin does not like to show his/her deeds, they try their best to hide their deeds as much as possible and is never satisfied by the amount of deeds he/she has done.

When a Muhsin volunteers for certain Islamic activities/events (example, MSA, journey of faith, RIS etc) it is best to keep their profile on the low, as this is true sincerity and humility. Human beings are made weak in these terms as they feel the need to be praised by others, but a true Muhsin is satisfied with their relationship with Allah and does not seek praises from others, rather he/she knows that the best deeds are the ones that are kept hidden.

The Shaikh gave an excellent example of a Muhsin through the character of his father who passed away (May Allah have mercy on him). The Masjid that the shaikh and his father used to be part of had a washroom (bathroom), which would be used regularly by Muslims taking part in the Masjid and its activities. This washroom would be cleaned and taken care of without anyone really recognizing and knowing who did the real work in cleaning it. After the Shaikh’s father passed away, the washroom started to reek and the foul smell would reach the hallways. This is when they realized that his father was the one, who would wake up early in the morning and arrive to clean the washroom only for the Sake of Allah (Seeking rewards for Allah). Brothers/Sisters this is how a true Muhsin should act. If we want to get the status of being a Muhsin in the eyes of Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) this is the akhlaaq that we need to acquire.

So this is just a reminder for all the Talib ul Ilm (Student of Knowledge) and anyone volunteering for events, lectures etc. Let us try our best to hide our deeds, whether it be from exposing it on MSN, facebook, in person or any other sneaky ways shaytan tries to make us expose our deeds. Let us find this true humility within ourselves.

Lastly I would like to remind you and me of the consequences of this behavior from a Sahih Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim from Abu Huraira (RA), where Prophet (SalallahuAlayhiwasalam) mentioned three people who will be sent to the fire.

1. A martyr who died fighting for Islam.
2. A scholar who acquired and taught knowledge & was fluent in the reciting of the Qur’an.
3. A wealthy person who gave lots in Sadaqah (Charity).

Allah will bring these people on the Day of Judgment and question them about their blessings, they will all say O Allah I did it for your sake only! They will be told that they are LIARS. YOU DIED SO PEOPLE WILL REMEMBER YOU AS A GREAT WARRIOR, YOU TAUGHT SO PEOPLE SAY WILL SAY MASHAALLAH WHAT A GREAT SCHOLAR, YOU GAVE CHARITY SO PEOPLE WILL SEE YOU. Then they will be dragged and thrown into the fire of hell. (A’zoubillah, I seek refuge in Allah from this for all of us). In another Authentic Hadith narrated by Imam Ahmed regarding Ar-Riya (Showing off) Prophet (SalallahuAlayhiwasalam) said that Allah will bring these people on the Day of Judgment, when Allah begins to give the rewards, He will tell them to go to the people that they tried to impress in the Duniya and seek reward from them.

I ask Allah (Subhana wa’tala) to make us one of the Muhsins and to purify our hearts from hypocrisy. Ameen

Allahumma Tahir Qullubana min an Nifaaq (O Allah Purify our hearts from Hypocrasy) Ameen.

"I have never tried to cure anything, that is more difficult to cure than my Niyah (Intention)" Shaikh Sufyan Ath-Thawri (Ameer Al Mu'mineen fe Hadith) (RA)

Please remember me in your prayers, forgive me if I have said anything wrong and know that all good written here is from Allah and all mistakes and evil is from the accursed Shaytan.

Your Brother in Islam,
Fares Elahi