Monday, January 12, 2009

Hide Your Deeds!

I would like to remind myself, before I remind others. These are lessons which may be beneficial for others, so I wish to share.

A few months back I was taking the Bus home, returning from the Masjid and I happened to see an elderly brother in the bus (MashaAllah wearing a Kufi, beard and Sunnah). We both gave Salam to each other and started a brief conversation, however within a minute into the conversation I got very confused and baffled by certain things stated by the brother (May Allah have mercy on him and us and purify our akhlaaq (Character)).

After we both gave each other Salam and started to converse, suddenly in a moment of silence the brother said,

“O by the way, I am a Hafez”. My face was in total shock, my mind confused.

I said “MashaAllah” (Of course outwardly). Inwardly I said in my mind “Whoa, is this guy for real?” Then the brother added “I am also an Alim (Knowledgeable Islamic Scholar)”. Again, I said “MashaAllah” in a very confused pitch. Inwardly I was like WOW, why did this brother just tell me this? Was it really necessary? Could a scholar really call himself a scholar just like that? Let alone a Hafez stating his credentials for people to know?

I happened to recall this incident once again at a recent lecture by Shaikh AbdulBary Yahya (A graduate from University of Madinah) regarding three I’s: Islam (Submission), Iman (Belief) & Ihsan (Worshipping Allah as if you can see Him and knowing that He can see you at all times).

It is from the very famous and authentic Hadith of Jibreel (AS) three main categories were laid out:
1. Muslim (Someone who submits to the 5 pillars of Islam)
2. Mu’min (A believer of the 6 pillars of Iman)
3. Muhsin (A believer who worships Allah as if he can see Him, affirms and knows that He is being watched at all times).

I will specifically elaborate about the category of the one who is a Muhsin. When one is a Muhsin, one is obviously a Muslim and a Mu’min, as a Muhsin is the highest level of the three. In order to be a Muhsin you must be a Muslim first.

Shaikh AbdulBary Yahya mentioned that a Muhsin is one who is not affected by what others say; whether it is a good comment or criticism, because they know in the end they did a certain act only for the sake of Allah. He also mentioned that a true Muhsin does not like to show his/her deeds, they try their best to hide their deeds as much as possible and is never satisfied by the amount of deeds he/she has done.

When a Muhsin volunteers for certain Islamic activities/events (example, MSA, journey of faith, RIS etc) it is best to keep their profile on the low, as this is true sincerity and humility. Human beings are made weak in these terms as they feel the need to be praised by others, but a true Muhsin is satisfied with their relationship with Allah and does not seek praises from others, rather he/she knows that the best deeds are the ones that are kept hidden.

The Shaikh gave an excellent example of a Muhsin through the character of his father who passed away (May Allah have mercy on him). The Masjid that the shaikh and his father used to be part of had a washroom (bathroom), which would be used regularly by Muslims taking part in the Masjid and its activities. This washroom would be cleaned and taken care of without anyone really recognizing and knowing who did the real work in cleaning it. After the Shaikh’s father passed away, the washroom started to reek and the foul smell would reach the hallways. This is when they realized that his father was the one, who would wake up early in the morning and arrive to clean the washroom only for the Sake of Allah (Seeking rewards for Allah). Brothers/Sisters this is how a true Muhsin should act. If we want to get the status of being a Muhsin in the eyes of Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) this is the akhlaaq that we need to acquire.

So this is just a reminder for all the Talib ul Ilm (Student of Knowledge) and anyone volunteering for events, lectures etc. Let us try our best to hide our deeds, whether it be from exposing it on MSN, facebook, in person or any other sneaky ways shaytan tries to make us expose our deeds. Let us find this true humility within ourselves.

Lastly I would like to remind you and me of the consequences of this behavior from a Sahih Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim from Abu Huraira (RA), where Prophet (SalallahuAlayhiwasalam) mentioned three people who will be sent to the fire.

1. A martyr who died fighting for Islam.
2. A scholar who acquired and taught knowledge & was fluent in the reciting of the Qur’an.
3. A wealthy person who gave lots in Sadaqah (Charity).

Allah will bring these people on the Day of Judgment and question them about their blessings, they will all say O Allah I did it for your sake only! They will be told that they are LIARS. YOU DIED SO PEOPLE WILL REMEMBER YOU AS A GREAT WARRIOR, YOU TAUGHT SO PEOPLE SAY WILL SAY MASHAALLAH WHAT A GREAT SCHOLAR, YOU GAVE CHARITY SO PEOPLE WILL SEE YOU. Then they will be dragged and thrown into the fire of hell. (A’zoubillah, I seek refuge in Allah from this for all of us). In another Authentic Hadith narrated by Imam Ahmed regarding Ar-Riya (Showing off) Prophet (SalallahuAlayhiwasalam) said that Allah will bring these people on the Day of Judgment, when Allah begins to give the rewards, He will tell them to go to the people that they tried to impress in the Duniya and seek reward from them.

I ask Allah (Subhana wa’tala) to make us one of the Muhsins and to purify our hearts from hypocrisy. Ameen

Allahumma Tahir Qullubana min an Nifaaq (O Allah Purify our hearts from Hypocrasy) Ameen.

"I have never tried to cure anything, that is more difficult to cure than my Niyah (Intention)" Shaikh Sufyan Ath-Thawri (Ameer Al Mu'mineen fe Hadith) (RA)

Please remember me in your prayers, forgive me if I have said anything wrong and know that all good written here is from Allah and all mistakes and evil is from the accursed Shaytan.

Your Brother in Islam,
Fares Elahi