Friday, September 3, 2010

Shoulder to Shoulder, Feet to Feet!

Did you know that straightening the lines and filling in the gap is an IMPORTANT part of Salah? When you see space fill it up! Do not stand far away from your brothers! Shoulder to Shoulder, feet to feet, do not let Shaytan get in between!

Jabir bin Samurah (RA) reported: The Messenger of Allah (salalahu alayhi wa salam) came out to us and said, "Why do you not stand in rows as the angels do before their Rubb?'' We asked: "O Messenger of Allah! how do the angels stand in rows... before their Rubb?'' He replied, "They complete each row beginning with the first and filling all the gaps.''

Commentary: Taras means to stand in the style of a wall, each brick of which is interlocked with another so much so that there is not even the slightest gap between two of its bricks. When people array themselves for Salat, they should keep their feet and shoulders so close with one another on their left and right that there is no gap or space between them. Moreover, the front rows should be completed first. One should never take place in the second row if there is place in the first. Similarly, one should never take place in the third row if there is room in the second line. And so on and so forth.

‎1087. Anas (RA) reported: The Messenger of Allah (SALLALAHU ALAYHI WA SALAM) said, "Keep your rows straight (during Salat in congregation), for keeping the rows straight is part of the perfection of Salat.'' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Commentary: This Hadith also highlights the importance of setting the rows straight. In fact, this is part of the perfection of Salat. In other words, Salat in congregation does not become perfect without setting the rows in order.

1090. Al-Bara' bin `Azib (RA) reported: The Messenger of Allah (SALLALAHU ALAYHI WA SALAM) used to pass between the rows from one end to the other, touching our chest and shoulders (i.e., arranging the rows) in line and saying, "Do not be out of line; otherwise your hearts will be in disagreement''. He would add, "Allah and His angels invoke blessings upon the first rows.'' [Abu Dawud].

Anas (radiallaahuAnhu) who said, The Messenger of Allah(sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) used to face us before the Takbeer and he used to say, tighten and straighten (the rows).

On the authority of Abi Umaamah who said that the Messenger of All...aah
(sallallaahu Alaihi wasallam) said, Straighten your lines, and align your
shoulders, and yield your hands to your brothers, and close the gaps, for indeed. Shaytaan comes between you through them, just as the small lamb does.
Narrated by Imaam Ahmad.